To check the delivery time of your package, please check our shipping policy. Here you will find the shipping times and methods for each country. Additionally, the estimated time of arrival is visible on the tracking page.

Shipping Policy

Lace & Lush operates globally, and we use warehouses that enable shipping without the imposition of duties and taxes. Once you receive a tracking link from us via email, it will typically update once the order has cleared customs, usually within 48-72 hours. This is a standard process to ensure compliance with international regulations.

If there are no updates on the tracking link after 15 days, please contact us at info@laceandlush.com. Our friendly customer support team will assist you and ensure that you receive your order.

If your order has exceeded the estimated time of arrival, please contact us at info@laceandlush.com. Our friendly customer support team will handle this for you and ensure that you receive your order.

Not satisfied with your purchase? You can return or exchange your items within 14 days of delivery. To start an inquiry, contact us at info@laceandlush.com.

Please note: Read our Return Policy carefully and provide us with the necessary information.